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Article Title: Signature Songs
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 18:06 on May 9 2011
Comment: I have this collection of Michael's most well-known classic and loved ccm songs. I was somewhat disappointed when I realized that this cd only contained songs from his first two releases. Michael has many signature tunes, especially from his third lp "Known by the Scars"(to mention one of many). The Bible flavored "JESUS Loves Me..." will always be a top favorite; "ABBA Father" is another favorite from his 1983 "Legacy". Who can ever forget how ccm artist Amy Grant covered "I Have Decided" and "El- Shaddai" (from her 1982 "Age to Age" lp). I love hearing the old ccm classics, but would have like to see some more signature classics on this cd. I have many projects by Michael on cd and vinyl. GOD Bless! - Don
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