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Article Title: Esther's Debut
Author of reported comment: stephen hudson
Comment Date: 09:33 on May 8 2011
Comment: dear esther dont know if you will remember me I first saw you about 5 years ago at praise on the prm then again at christ church and again at river of life. I was the one jumping up and down loved the music but was probibly little worse for wear,came along way since then still got cd new beginings have to ask do you still have copies only went round a mates house and I had to listen to fools wisdom about 30 times he said can I get him a copy thought I could but wasnt sure,one way ore another I will get him to church it took me a long time but you were quite insperational because I listened to you when having to go back to my hell hole but it made my journey far more relaxing thanks steve hope you can help god bless you
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