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Article Title: Amy Grant: Divorce, Healing And The Old, Old, Hymns
Author of reported comment: Louise Brown
Comment Date: 04:44 on Feb 7 2011
Comment: Amy, I love you and your music!. i am a Christian from India and do sing as well. Amy, it is my dream to sing harmony with you !. I think of " Charlese" the Thai girl who learnt the music. I would like to rock India for Christ. If you have not been to India, please call me and be my guest. You are beautiful. Will you please email me back? My life story did not permit me to brake loose but I am fired up for Christ and I would like to break a leg in America as an Indian Christian only to break doors for Christ!This could be a powerful testimony for Christ and I would love to sing harmony with you!. I enjoy harmony a whole lot! Amy, I love you and waiting to hear from you!
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