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Article Title: Let The Cosmos Ring
Author of reported comment: Michael Walker
Comment Date: 17:17 on Jan 29 2011
Comment: This might be interesting for the folks of the old Teen and Twenty Chapel. Back in the mid sixties I was a poet named Buddy Walker, and Jack Green put a tune to one of my poems called Valley of Recall, which the band later recorded. I still have a copy of the album but over the years it got a little warped. Years ago I wrote Valerie Dunn, to try and get a copy of the songbook which had my song in it, just for nostalgia sake, but I never received a reply. Any chance of a reply to my email this time? I even played bass with the band when they performed at Expo 67 in Montreal, and I believe they used Valley of Recall as sort of a theme song back in the sixties.
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