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Article Title: Start All Over Again
Author of reported comment: Lance DeMers
Comment Date: 16:17 on Jan 8 2011
Comment: Well Mark, I would say that, to my knowledge, there has been no serious discussion of a reunion. But it's always nice when someone expresses an interest as you have. So, thank you for that! But, realistically, I'm not so sure that we could generate enough interest to justify it. For any such thing to occur, I would think it would have to come from Greg and Kraig Wall. As the lead vocalists and founders of the band, it would be most appropriate for them to initiate that discussion. But after 30-plus years a reunion seems doubtful. We are pretty spread out geographically speaking, with Greg in Iowa, Kraig in TN, Randy in MO and me in WA. I can only speak for myself when I say that I would be open to a reunion and have often thought that it would be fun to revisit that chapter of our lives. Music has remained an important part of my life and I continue to record and play live regionally on a regular basis. My wife and I have three sons and they are all songwriter / musicians. So I would say while it is not likely, who knows? Srtanger things have happened! And thanks again for that very kind sentiment.
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