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Article Title: Start All Over Again
Author of reported comment: Lance DeMers
Comment Date: 15:53 on Jan 8 2011
Comment: Well John, this forum may be a good place to start. I check in every so often and it looks like Randy does too. So, Randy, please feel free to chime in. First of all, let me say that it is a real blessing that you would consider recording a WBB song. If you are enquiring about recording a cover version of a WBB song, perhaps I can be of some help. It is my understanding that, once a song has been recorded / published, it is "up for grabs" in terms of any subsequent artist recording a cover version, providing that one goes through the proper legal channels. In part, this entails properly crediting the songwriter(s) and publisher on any materials you may publish in relation to the song such as album cover / sleeve art, sheet music, etc.. This is to ensure that any royalties earned would be paid to the owners of the creative property - ie., the writer and publisher. That said, I am less concerned about any potential royalties than I am about you protecting yourself against any possibility of copyright infringement. I would guess that there are many websites available to guide you through the process of setting this up before completing your cover art and releasing a project. Hopefully this is helpful in getting you started John, and won't scare you away from proceeding with your plans!
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