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Article Title: Written On The Wind
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 14:19 on Dec 9 2010
Comment: Wow! This pioneer ccm vet is still recording to date!; I think it must be a good 40 years now that Chuck has been recording ccm; GOD Bless him! "Spirit Wind" starts off side 1 of lp; luv the keyboards for this song. The song "Hear the Angels Sing" has some questionable lyrics: it says"the temple is the glory of the Son of GOD Alone". Revelation 21:22 states "And I saw no temple therein: for the LORD GOD Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it." In the 1950's we heard Elvis sing "Peace in the Valley", Chuck presents us with another song with the same title:beautiful song Chuck. "The Warrior" is a commendable song; nearly 7 minutes long! Again, there is dispute over lyrics; as it implies that 2 Angels rolled the stone away; GOD's word states that "ONE" Angel rolled the stone away(Matthew 28:2/Mark16:3 - 5) Now John 20:12 states 2 Angels were there, but does not say that these 2 rolled the stone away. I believe it is very important that we do not lose sight of the "Truth" of GOD's Word. GOD Bless!-Don
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