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Article Title: Come Let Us Reason
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 20:53 on Dec 6 2010
Comment: I had heard "Come Let us Reason" on ccm airwaves; just connected with it immediately: great songwriting Roby! Great backing vocals for the album; the sweet voice of Kelly Willard and pop icons from group Mr.Mister, Richard Page and Steve George. Kelly also released a hymns lp this same year (worth investing). I recall a duet that Roby did with Kelly that was so beautiful;ANYONE RECALL IT, THE TITLE ETC.?THANX. "Watching for YOU" is another noteworthy song; thank you Bill North; a song for today!; luv how the last chorus was done on the song. I just luv "Closer to YOU" another wonderful song Roby, thanks! And who cannot relate to the last song on side 2 "There is Just One Way";(loss is soo hard!):Roby, you could not have chosen a better closer for the album. GOD Bless! -Don
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