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Article Title: Intelligent Design Versus Evolution
Author of reported comment: Paul Burnett
Comment Date: 13:11 on Nov 9 2010
Comment: "Ryan in UK" gullibly posted: "C4ID is not a creationist organisation and they have explicitly stated such..." Riiight - and Messrs. Buckingham, Bonsell and Buell explicitly swore under oath in Federal court in America in 2005's Dover trial that intelligent design creationism had nothing whatsoever to do with religion, that it was all about science, yessirree... Ryan, I'm sure you understand this, but everybody else reading this should also understand: These religious fanatics have honed Lying For Jesus(TM) to a fine art - they can do it in their sleep. You simply cannot believe them when they say things like "Our intelligent design creationism organization is not a creationist organisation."
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