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Article Title: Intelligent Design Versus Evolution
Author of reported comment: ARL
Comment Date: 03:20 on Nov 7 2010
Comment: Noble is quoted as saying "'both the natural world and the living world.'" So there it is, right in the beginning of the article, an assertion so devoid of scientific meaning as to refute any pretense he may have wished to assert. What, for goodness sake, is the difference between the "natural" and "living" worlds? A useless, unscientific distinction. Now, for the nail in the coffin, a massive, non-scientific assumption, Noble is quoted as saying "Now we know that functional information only ever comes from an intelligent source." Oh, really? Really? What, exactly, is "functional" information? If you mean "information that makes something happen," we've got ants that can communicate the whereabouts of food, but they'd hardly be said to be intelligent designers, would we?
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