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Article Title: Kevin Max: The Imposter?
Author of reported comment: Joell K
Comment Date: 20:54 on Oct 14 2010
Comment: Thanks glad here from Kevin. I have been a big fan since the first time I heard dcTalk! Kevin's voice is just unbelievable, it hits deep inside of me and his lyrics. I Love his first solo album "Stereotype B", it spoke so deep to me. I also at that time was struggle with my first marriage and my convictions as a Christian and the views others had of me because of a failed marriage. It's been hard, many of my Christian friends have walked away from me. No one understood and no one wanted to help me along that path. So for a time I walked away, but now I'm married to a man who wants me to be myself. The hard thing is I still feel lost in the Christian community...I feel I'm not good enough anymore or worth to do anything for God, cause I hear the negative words of my ex-husband ringing in my ears. Sorry to ramble.. Thanks and Blessing to You, Joell
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