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Article Title: Start All Over Again
Author of reported comment: Lance DeMers
Comment Date: 06:39 on Oct 6 2010
Comment: Hey Randy. Thanks for weighing in here. Hey, folks, Randy and I go back to around 1974 - before either of us were a part of the WBB. We had a little band called "Sparrow" before the record label of the same name, and we played at some local coffee houses together and served as the house band. One called Maranatha and another called The Way Station, which we helped to start with some other friends. A lot of real genuine ministry took place in these little rooms where kids from all over town would come together for times of fellowship, worship and reaching out to the community with the love of Christ. It was during this period that Greg and Kraig were touring and recording as a duo. When they would come home to Sioux City, they would sometimes stop in to play and ask us to back them up on their material. That was the beginning of the WBB and where we got to know one another musically and as friends and colaborers in Christ. Randy was the link between me and the Wall brothers as he was our mutual friend before we met. There were many powerful times of ministry in those days as we saw so many young people come to the Lord and so many others encouraged in their walk. And as musicians we were cutting our teeth and learning the difference between playing for our own ego gratification and playing for the Lord. It wasn't glamorous and there was nothing show-bizzy about it. We were kids serving the Lord because we loved him and wanted everyone to know him. A very innocent, unjaded time and such an honor to be a part of it.
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