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Article Title: Start All Over Again
Author of reported comment: Lance DeMers
Comment Date: 06:13 on Oct 6 2010
Comment: Thank you for your kind words, Don. I am so blessed by the many generous comments by you and all of the other folks who have taken the time to post here. The song you mention was a Greg Wall composition and I always enjoyed hearing him sing it. Greg and Kraig were two of the most talented singers I have ever had the pleasure to work with, and their harmonies were just amazing. There is something special about siblings singing together - such a great blend! I have so many wonderful memories of being in the studio in Nashville during the recording of SAOA with Greg, Kraig and Randy. Phil Johnson produced that project and was a joy to work with. It was a special time for 4 friends from Iowa who loved the Lord and were trying to serve him with our talents. We were in awe of Al Perkins and were delighted to have him bring his genius to the project. It was quite a thrill to pull into Nashville and hear our songs being played on the radio. Too many amazing blessings to recount here. God is good.
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