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Article Title: Imagine
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 21:26 on Sep 30 2010
Comment: I have this great cd in my huge ccm collection; luv it!!Aaron's first solo effort after the departure from the duo with his dad Jeoffrey(who had a solo in 1985). The cd starter song right away"captured" me; great song "Captured". I just luv the title song "Imagine", it is the perfect song to hi-light his vocals:I just luv the music score to it also. What an awesome job on the song "GOD's Here". "Love Life" is another great song! Way to go again Aaron, you nailed this one!! "Make YOUR Mark" is another outstanding song on the cd. It seems as if "Make YOUR Mark" would have faired better as the cd closer than the pop rocker song "Alive". Aaron also became part of a country duo act Blue Country with a hit in 2003; Aaron's son is also pursuing a singing career; what can you say, it runs in the family!!GOD Bless! -Don
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