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Article Title: Hit Parade: The Greatest Hits
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 19:07 on Sep 30 2010
Comment: I have this cd in my super large ccm collection of vinyl and cd; dvd also. I was not a huge listener to this group's music until the late 90's. I saw the video for "Get Down", I was immediately taken by it; great song guys!! I luv "Big House" and " Never Gonna be as Big as JESUS";have the videos too! I also like "Hands & Feet", "Walk on Water", and last song on cd "Rest Easy". A brand new song "I Will Not Fade" opens the cd list of songs; this one is for the rockers! There is also another new song "One Like YOU";I like this one, great sound!! "Man of GOD" has words we all know within the heart. GOD Bless!-Don
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