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Article Title: As You Wish
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 14:51 on Sep 30 2010
Comment: Ben Gaither's group does it again, and what a great follow up to their debut. I luv the cd opener, "The Narrow Road", the intro is just great!! When I got cd and played it, the title song caught me "As YOU Wish";just luv this song! Great one Benjamin!! "Until We Turn" is another cd fave;luv the score for the song! Once again, these are well written tunes!! Bill Gaither makes a special appearance prior to the song "You Can't Get To Heaven". I luv the song "As Long as There's a Heaven"; and the last 2 songs are brilliant stand outs;"Call/Cry for the Nation" and "Against the Grain" (just luv this song; another masterpiece!). I really thought Ben would record some more stuff; run a string of projects as his parents. The last time I saw Ben peform was on a Bill & Gloria Gaither Special. A beautiful song for Sept.11th tragedy titled "Carry US On" a duet with Marsh Hall; just simply wonderful!! Great song!!! GOD Bless! -Don
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