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Article Title: Calvin Hunt: New York gospel man, a child of mercy
Author of reported comment: John Campetelle
Comment Date: 07:14 on Sep 25 2010
Comment: My prayers go out to Miriam and family. I thank God for Calvin and the impact he has had and still has on so many lives. The first time I brought Calvin's video, "When you just can't stop" into the jail in Florida the men were dramatically affected by Calvin's transformation. That video was requested over and over again as a source of hope. When Calvin and Miriam were in Florida I had the privilege of meeting them in person. To this day I still cherish the moments that we were able to be together. I sensed a kindred Spirit from the first moment. Miriam, thank you for sharing Calvin with us. We love you in the name of the Lord and will never forget you. We are blessed to be a blessing and you have surely been a blessing in our lives. God Bless! John & Joan
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