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Article Title: Amy Grant: Divorce, Healing And The Old, Old, Hymns
Author of reported comment: Donn
Comment Date: 19:35 on Sep 23 2010
Comment: This collection of old classic hymns recorded by Amy has got to be one of her all time best!! I remember singing many of these old hymns growing up; visiting various churches. I remember singing "This is My Father's World" in school chorus. Amy has brought new life and inspiration back with this hymns cd. I have almost everything that Amy has recorded since the start of her singing career. I am not a fan of articles that contain negativity towards believers; nor one that tends to spread rumours or start them. Some of the information in this article tends to do that. I want to hear about the good things that GOD's people are doing; remember some of those words from Philppians 4:8. If there be any virtue, any praise, things of a "good report" etc. THINK UPON THESE THINGS!!!
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