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Article Title: Amy Grant: Divorce, Healing And The Old, Old, Hymns
Author of reported comment: Donn
Comment Date: 01:33 on Sep 21 2010
Comment: hmmm..unbiased article..better read it again! Mr. Rimmer really flings the rumours out though, doesn't he. And why spread the rumours more! Especially when you don't know what is true and what is not true. Gary Chapman's name seems to be hurled through the mud, and all because of the "I heard this or I heard that!" Gary is still GOD's child!! Just like Amy is still GOD's child! I personally, do not approve of articles tearing down what belongs to GOD! Believers are to lift up and encourage, and not do what the world would do! Yes, I agree, we must be careful as believers not to throw stones; GOD is the Judge, so who is he that will condemn? I have heard and seen Amy in interviews; and not once did she tear down Gary Chapman; nor blame him for it all!! GOD continue to bless Amy for blessing so many lives with her music. Amy, you are loved more than you know!!
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