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Article Title: Are You Ready?
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 15:47 on Sep 19 2010
Comment: One of the top ccm albums of all time, soo many great songs!! It contains the classic fave "We are the Reason", who doesn't luv this song!! The lp opener for side 1 "Follow YOU" with great upbeat music (not too heavy...just right!), simply luv it! "Peace in my Heart" a masterpiece!!Great song David!! "Comin' Back" and "Gospel Train" are among lp favorites, that I never tire to listen to. Side 2 begins with great up tempo "Are You Ready?"; very pop in style, a classic ccm gem!!:another lp fave. I luv "Just a Little More Time" with a great chorus you cannot forget. David once again showcases his various vocal ranges with the song "Just Have a Little Talk". The album closes with the well known "We are the Reason";David leaves us with an unforgettable message. Wow!! this album is now a 30 year old classic; I still luv to hear it now and again. GOD Bless! -Don
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