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Article Title: For The Best
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 20:03 on Sep 15 2010
Comment: Again, BJ releases another lp produced by gospel vet Chris Christian; who also contributed some of the songs. The album's opening number "Walkin' on a Cloud" is an all-time lp fave. The cajun sound of the song "JESUS-Hearted People" adds flavor; this song is also on a live lp he recorded the same year (1980). The song "Nashville" has that favorable countrified sound that BJ is soo good at performing. I luv the poppish sound of "No Limit", and the simple lyrics to Pat Terry's "YOU", luv that song!!The album's title comes from the song "Everything always works out for the best"(2nd # on side 1), it has that familiar BJ Thomas style. Great lp!! GOD Bless! - Don
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