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Article Title: Vickie Winans: The Complete History Of A Gospel Music Institution
Author of reported comment: Linda Wheat
Comment Date: 17:36 on Aug 26 2010
Comment: I have been through some hard times and still is going through but my confession is I have made it over and yes my soul look back and wonder. I lost my mother in 2006 and my father in 2008 and I too have been feel with misery and pain and when heard the lyrics to How I Made It Over I to have asked the Lord for relief and I can say I don't feel like I use to. I understand about the sickness and weight I am in the process of no more of that. I am learning the Fitness Hustle I have already lost 30 pounds and after hearing about Mrs. Vicki story and I am motivated to drop more. God Bless You Mrs. Vicki you are a truely an anointed woman of God. When my husband heard your songs on youtube he thought the same.
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