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Article Title: Here 'Tis
Author of reported comment: T Maynard
Comment Date: 19:07 on Aug 22 2010
Comment: " You wont believe how good this band is " Barry said . Yeh Yeh I thought , but I allowed myself to be towed along to my first Betterdays date . Wow ! Over forty years ago but I still remember with such clarity Bob Pitchers Harp cutting through like a knife . The timing that this band thumped you with was so precise . Number after number was Red Hot this was a band that let you wallow in the Blues . Listening to Bob Pitcher play set me on the road to harp and key board playing . But timing was to be the down fall of the Betterdays too,for three years later after they had split came the big Blues revival. This band would have been at the very pinnacle along with Fleetwoodmac etc . Sadly Barry is no longer with us but I still have the memories of that night and quite a few other nights too listening to this band all that time ago they played the blues with a kick in the pants, those days definitely were Better Days
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