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Article Title: Aaron Keyes: A worship pastor who's written the "Not Guilty Anymore" classic
Author of reported comment: Rita Bailey
Comment Date: 17:29 on Jul 18 2010
Comment: One of my students, Gabe Ecklund, invited me to Grace. I eventually made it and was gobsmacked. Sermon was great and the music was awesome! I didn't know the worship leader was well-known for his music, but it touched me and spoke to my heart. It takes almost an hour to get there, but it's worth the drive. A lot of churches have "praise and worship" groups, but somehow leave out the worship part. Aaron's music is full of praise, but it allows time to really worship, mostly quietly. I feel a bit empty when I miss a week and can't experience Aaron's gift. May God continue to bless you. Through you I, as I'm sure thousands others, am blessed. And I am forgiven!
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