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Article Title: A Diamond Date
Author of reported comment: Jacob Andrew Hartman
Comment Date: 09:37 on Jul 10 2010
Comment: The fool hath said in his heart; "there is no GOD", they are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. (PSALM14:1) ~Thank you Paul, for once again, TRUE science is proving everything that the antitheist despises to know. The Fear of The LORD is the beginning of knowledge, FOOLS despise wisdom and instruction.(PROVERBS1:7) Science is everyday proving the HOLY TRUTH of the Bible, and its sad that so many brothers and sisters lean on their own earthly, wicked, knowledge. But the knowledge that has been placed in my heart by our LORD, CHRIST JESUS, will and shall stand the test of time in infinity. Thank you again my brother, for using their own POOR understanding of knowledge and science against them. THANKYOU "Absence of GOD is absence of being: how can one create;without the CREATOR?" 14/21=2/3 ~Jacob Andrew Hartman
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