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Article Title: Andy Bromley: Bedworth-based worship man sings songs of mercy
Author of reported comment: Annemie Munnik
Comment Date: 09:33 on Jun 23 2010
Comment: Dear Andy Bromley I live in South Africa. A lady from the USA came to Africa on a missions outreach and I met her. She gave me copies of some of your music albums. I LOVE YOUR MUSIC!! It is however, not Biblical to have copies of cd's since they have copy right. Therefore I am asking your permission to listen to this music I received. My reasons being the following: * Your music is not available in South Africa - at least as far as I can see. * Internet transactions is not available to South Africa, because of the high crime rate. For example, I am not allowed to buy music from iTunes, Ebay, Amazon because I live in South Africa. * I cannot order cd's from overseas, because it will never reach me, because of the high crime rate in our mailing system. * I do not own a credit card nor can I afford one to buy overseas/internet based items. * I don't have people coming from the USA to visit Africa who can bring cd's from there. * Your music is so awesome, and I would hate to not being able to listen to it Therefore my request that you will grant me permission to listen to your music that this lady gave me. Looking forward to hear from you soon. Blessings Annemie
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