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Article Title: Michael English: After years in the CCM wilderness, the prodigal finally comes home
Author of reported comment: Gerry Van Etten
Comment Date: 23:26 on Jun 19 2010
Comment: My daughter got me the DVD's that were made of Reunited and Better Days. The best music I've heard in many years. When Michael sings "I'm Forgiven", I get chills. Knowing Michael's history, I too serve that same God of forgiveness and second chances. I am much older than he but I had some issues to be forgiven by God. I was in music for many years. I was pianist for a Baptist Church for more than 28 years. It is easy to let other things distract us from God's will. But I thank God for His forgiving Michael and for me. I will continue to pray for you. Your Friend In Christ, Gerry Van Etten
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