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Article Title: Selah Jubilee Singers: Gospel Roots - From jubilee stalwarts to doowop hitmakers
Author of reported comment: Ronzoni
Comment Date: 13:47 on Jun 3 2010
Comment: I am a fan of gospel quartets and looking for your father's book. (The title is 'From the Church to The Apollo Theater' by Thermon T. Ruth with Linda Saylor-Marchant; T. Ruth Publications) I have known about your father's book in the biography of the Dixie Hummingbirds. It seems this book is already out of print. But I want that book regardless of its condition for my research. Currently I have found only one web site introducing that book and I have sent letter to Blessed Hope C.O.G.I.C. about that book according to that web site information. But the letter I have sent has been returned because of 'Unable To Forward'. Now I don't have further information about that book. It would be greatly appreciated if somebody would tell me how to get that book.
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