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Article Title: Jesus Christ: Women's Liberator Without Equal
Author of reported comment: Catherine H
Comment Date: 14:43 on May 30 2010
Comment: I find it interesting that feminism in its truest form comes from Christianity. I don't like what feminism has become - the right to strip to make yourself feel better about yourself, watching strippers as 'liberation' etc. But feminism in its truest form comes directly from Christianity. It is down to Jesus' example that men and women in the 1700s and 1800s started campaigning to women to have the vote and to not be treated as property. I disagree that men cannot play a role in liberating women. In Scotland two years ago, men were asked to wear a white ribbon to symbolise that they are against men being violent towards women, since 95% violent attacks against women are committed by men. I am a social care worker and work with abused women, women who were sexually abused as children. And men who were sexually abused as children. People need to know that most men are safe. They need to be able to relate to men and form healthy relationships with healthy men. And to recognise which men to stay away from. Men have a big part to play in the liberation of women - and other men. Society and the family of God cannot function without men playing their roles in rehabilitating hurt people and society.
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