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Article Title: Joy In The Journey: Ten Years Of Greatest Hits
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 17:25 on May 29 2010
Comment: This is a nice collection of songs to have; I luv the new song "Chorus of Faith" a great addition that fits well with the rest of the collection. The songs span from his 1983 "Legacy" to the 1993 song for "National Day of Prayer" "Heal our Land". This cd was released in February of 1994; it includes some new recordings of songs from "Known by the Scars" lp. I prefer the original recording of "Come to the Table", however I luv the haunting melody for the new recording of "Why". There is a newly recorded vers. of "El-Shaddai" very nice, from 1983; there is nothing from his first recording "First Light" from 1981: his well-known "JESUS Loves Me (this I know) was left out, and "I have Decided" also. There are soo many well-known and well-loved songs on this cd tho';"The Final Word", Immanuel", That's what Faith must be", "Jubilee","Known by the Scars"; and the songs mentioned afore. Michael is a great singer/songwriter/musician; who can forget how songstress Amy Grant popularized his "El-Shaddai" and "I Have Decided" in 1982,both on her biggest selling album "Age to Age". I still think that Michael recorded the songs just as well. Buy this one if you do not have it. GOD Bless! - Don
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