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Article Title: I Surrender All: The Clay Crosse Collection Vol 1
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 02:52 on May 28 2010
Comment: This is a great collection of songs,the best of Clay if you will; from his first 3 cd's. I have all of his stuff on cd; a great voice in ccm. I still recall when I bought this shortly after it's release in late spring of 1999. The first song "I will Follow CHRIST" with Bebe Winans and Bob Carlisle is classic; I also have the video for this song. "He Walked a Mile" from cd "Stained Glass" goes beyond words; I love how he sang Andrae Crouch's classic song "The Blood will Never Lose it's Power". I have the videos for " Saving the World" and "Time to Believe". This is definitely a "Greatest Hits" collection that is worth every penny you spend to buy it! GOD Bless! -Don
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