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Article Title: Charles McPheeters: Drug addict turned Jesus music pioneer
Author of reported comment: Pam Wilson (Okerblom
Comment Date: 21:57 on May 20 2010
Comment: I loved Charles! My sister, Lynda Wilson, had already been in Denver helping out with the "Holy Ghost Repair Service" coffee house and "The Paraclete" bookstore. After I graduated from high school in Ohio in 1972 my sister asked me to move out to Denver with her. I did and as we were walking down Colfax Avenue my sister led me to the Lord. Right down the street from Charles & Judy's ministry. I started working there in the office and helping on the weekends in coffeehouse and street witnessing. Charles was like a real live cartoon! I still have a video of him at a birthday party Judy had for him. My sister and I lived with them for a short time when their daughter, Melissa was born. Once you met Charles you could never forget him. He was full of the love of Jesus and He LOVED people! I really miss him ....even now....thinking about him....getting teary-eyed. My sister is in heaven now, too, so they both I'm sure have had a wonderful reunion! Thank you for talking about Charles and bringing up the old Jesus People Revival days!!! God Bless You!
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