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Article Title: Greatest Hits (Special Edition)
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 01:33 on May 19 2010
Comment: I have this spec. ed. cd in my collection of ccm. I have followed Amy's music for about 30 years, it has blessed my life beyond words. I know most, if not all her songs; think I have just about everything she sang. I have a collection of nearly every 7" single. I have her classic "Age to Age" concert. To narrow favorite songs, it is not easy to do. I really like this Greatest Hits, esp. since it includes songs from the start of her career. I have her ep "Ageless Medley" . I have seen Amy in concert, and got real close to stage to see her; once, I almost made her laugh during an encore song (not on purpose). I have some autographed pics of her as well. I will treasure the hand written postcard she sent me, the words came from the heart. I have a huge video collection of her songs, guest appearances on tv shows etc. Thank you Amy... GOD Bless!! -Don
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