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Article Title: Don't Let Sex Alone Determine How You Vote
Author of reported comment: munda saka
Comment Date: 18:26 on May 7 2010
Comment: I just want to remind true Christians reading this piece that Christ said that if we are lukewarm i.e neither cold nor hot, we will be spat out of the mouth. In all honesty, if the writer of this piece understands that 'we ' gentiles were reconciled to God only through the blood of Jesus Christ through the promise made to Abraham, she should not say that the bible ref in 2 Chronicles 7:14 is for the Children of Israel alone. If we know our bible and if we are spirit filled, we SHOULD understand the times because the saviour told how to. There are no in-betweens, surely if you want to identify with Christ you will be ready to suffer persecution and remember that ' from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force' Mathew 11:12. There are critical issues here that the Christians in this country are worried about (and rightly so) and if you are a true believer it should cause you sleepless nights! You are being forced to accept things that the bible condemns outrightly as sins by way of law. The only succour is for chrsitians in this country to come together and make sure that the apostles of such laws do not find their way to the parliament thats what I mean by quoting Mathew 11:12. So I stand with Simon Phillips on this and think that your piece does not encourage sound doctrine which what got us into this mess in the first place.
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