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Article Title: Bible Break
Author of reported comment: Grandma K
Comment Date: 02:37 on May 3 2010
Comment: I have a copy of the cassette and it is in "mint" condition. It is actually called "Christian RAP Music: Bible Break". Lyrics by Stephen Wiley, Music by Mike Barnes and Instruments used were Yamaha QX-1 Digital Sequencer, Yamaha DX-7 didgital synthesizer, Yamaha TX-816 FM tone Generator, and a Oberheim DX Digital Drum Machine. it was recorded at Longbranch Studio, Tulsa, OK. It was copyrighted in 1985 by Brentwood Records, Inc., P. O. Box 1028, Brentwood, TN 37027. I hope this helps!!!..."Grandma"
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