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Article Title: Divorce, Healing and the Old, Old, Hymns
Author of reported comment: Sally Hemenway
Comment Date: 17:38 on Apr 29 2010
Comment: I know that people are human, but whether in the public eye or not, there are too many people who profess to be Christian who live just like the rest of the world. True commitment to Christ is rarely seen. When trouble comes, rather than relying on God to see us through, we go the path of least resistance...just like the rest of the world. Very sadly, I believe God gets a black eye and the sacrifice that Jesus made for us is seen as ineffective in helping Christians live any differently from those who make no profession. Yes, there's forgiveness from God for our "mistakes" (even though He could have given us the strength to see the trial through, if we'd only asked)...but people, being human, are not so inclined to forgive and forget.
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