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Article Title: After Divorce
Author of reported comment: le johns
Comment Date: 01:26 on Apr 26 2010
Comment: Tonex, GOD does not make mistakes, no one wants to admit this. If you could make it go away, you would. People dont wake up one day and say i think i wanna be gay. The lady and the man that interviewed you were both judgemental, and neither of them looked like GOD to me. Shame on them they call themselves christians. What ever happened to no 1 sin is greater than the next? why is so much power placed on homosexuality? I could go on but whats the use they still gone harp on this issue and judge and put people down instead of trying to help. I loved your song and your song does not influence me none what so ever. So to the man that interviewed you, GOD u are not, leave the judging up to God. It makes you look bad.
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