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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The Gospel Giant Returns After Battle With Illness
Author of reported comment: christine marshall
Comment Date: 23:58 on Apr 19 2010
Comment: since the age of 17 i've been a big fan of yours; your voice is different than any others i have known because it has the anointing of God on it. the lyrics to your songs reach the depth of what i go through; there is a song on the "When the Music Stops" cd called "Jesus Never Fails." there was a period in time that i did not have a job and i was feeling pretty bad about myself. i kept listening to that song i came to remind myself that Jesus never fails and he will always fulfill his promises to me. i tell you sir that i cried and cried because that song touched me so. i endeavor to sing with the same fevor of the Holy Spirit as you. Please never stop letting the Lord use you!!! continuing to pray for your healing; i know that the Lord will do it for you!!! Thank you sir for making my senior year in High School and easy one. Christine Marshall
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