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Article Title: Charles McPheeters: Drug addict turned Jesus music pioneer
Author of reported comment: Thomas Kind
Comment Date: 23:57 on Apr 15 2010
Comment: My brother Mark commented on Charles McPheeters, and I thought I'd put in my two cents. When I was attending Redeemer Temple, I got invited to a birthday party for someone who attended the church, and Charles was there at the party. This was probably summer of 1972, or 1973. I was a teenager then, probably fifteen or sixteen. Charles took the time to talk with me briefly. I was kind of impressed, as he really did move in the circles of rock musicians and jetsetters. I remember that at the old Redeemer Temple Charles was the youth pastor. On Friday nights there would be a youth service. The Archers were there one night, but one service I'll probably always remember, is the one where a British evangelist, and faith healer was speaking. They had revival services all that week, and on Friday night the regular crowd of High Schoolers, and College people were in attendance as well as the other people who had attended the services all week. The church was so full, I'm surprised the fire marshall didn't come around! People were sitting in the aisles, and on the podium. There must've been a thousand people there in a building designed for 800. Charles would sometimes come out to sing a special number during the services at Redeemer, and I always remember how he would swing that acoustic guitar around like Johnny Cash to play it. That was after he would make some introductory that were often quite funny, and would have us laughing. He really did live a full life in the short time he was on earth.
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