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Article Title: Jeff Caylor: The singer songwriter relocating from USA to Hong Kong
Author of reported comment: Duncan Parsons
Comment Date: 10:14 on Apr 12 2010
Comment: I've been a fan of Jeff's work for many years (tho for a long time I just knew him as 'plunge' on the KvR website). When people ask me what his music is like, I tell them that if you squeezed together CSLewis's 'The Problem of Pain', and Philip Yancey's books 'Where is God When it Hurts' and 'What's so amazing about Grace' into one big volume, and then made 4-5minute songs out of the result you get Jeff's music. Full of tenderness, grace, mercy, fully acknowledging the knocks of life and love, the past, the present.. Whether independent or not, I would rate Jeff as one of the best Christian Artists around at the moment.
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