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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The Gospel Giant Returns After Battle With Illness
Author of reported comment: Cecil West-Bey
Comment Date: 21:29 on Apr 7 2010
Comment: I am sitting at my desk at work listing to Rev coley singing He'll never let you down with the GMWA I have followed him since I was a ittle boy the words to the songs and the way that he let God use him to sang them inspired me so down through I have almost every cd,album that he sang on also I had the pleausre of meeting him at Bishop Hawkins church during a Music and Arts Conference I even joined a church out in San Fran ,Ca where Steven Roberts was a member Rev Coley used to sing alot of the songs he wrote I am grateful to have come in contact with such powerful men of God although I don't have the voice for singing Rev Coley's songs when I am riding my car alone !! I try LOL I have had two episodes of cancer and went blind last year but knowing who God is I am healed and on my way to a complete healing please don't make me dance at this computer I'm feeling a Praise!!!!!!!! For who ever reads this just Remember He"ll never let you Down !!! Dea West-Bey
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