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Article Title: It Must Be Love
Author of reported comment: SM Delgado
Comment Date: 18:09 on Apr 3 2010
Comment: It's Easter weekend and I've had these song lyrics playing in my mind but I don't recall the title--its been so long: "HE could have called 10,000 angels...". On this particular track, the visual of the sound of nails being pounded into his hands...WOW! I was 8 or 9 when the Latinos came to Moses Lake, WA to perform. We hosted them in our home for dinner and Judy stayed the night with us. How amazing was their music & talent...THAT I could never forget! Harold, Ronny, BB.... Amazing charisma as well. We had a couple of albums that my mom treasured over the years (even made it thru a home fire) and now they're misplaced. I am suprised as I stumbled on to this site, but not suprised to read the postings of so many that were equally blessed and wow'd by their music. This is awesome!
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