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Article Title: The Continental Singers: Over 60 albums, over 1,500 concerts a year
Author of reported comment: David Martin
Comment Date: 19:01 on Mar 6 2010
Comment: I have such vivid and poignant memories of touring with the British group of Continental Singers as a pianist and Assistant Director, mainly with Colin Hearn, Geoffrey Smith and others from 1988-1995. The quality of songs-words and music was back then (and am sure is still of the same calibre!) the BEST in Christian music and is probably unrivalled today. It saddens me that media coverage has been so sparce as regards to the Continental Singers but that has nor dettered this organization from spreading the gospel and God sees this at the end of the day! I still think of such songs like "I've Just seen Jesus", "Light Your World" and many others that are still no less than spine-tingling and far superior to the rather tacky choruses and songs that many exploit in the church today! I was and still am proud to have my name associated with the Continental Singers. David Martin LGSM LTCL LLCM ALCM Ex member of the Board of Examiners at London College of Music and Media Member of the European Piano Teacher's Association UK Piano and its associated subjects pedagogue, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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