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Article Title: John James: The Newsboys Ex-lead Singer Speaks About His Fall And Restoration
Author of reported comment: Gabe
Comment Date: 02:26 on Feb 16 2010
Comment: Dawn in WI on Dec 21 2009 said: "Hypocrisy is a lie. Using someone for your own gain/pleasure who is already emotionally vulnerable is a lie. Covering yourself when it gets out of control is a lie. Pretending you were a good boy all along is a lie. Pretending you're a good boy NOW, after you're found out, is a lie. Religion is a lie." I think I speak for everyone Dawn when I say, "I forgive you." ...and Dawn, don't cry out to it to God...that's what I did. I'll never forget my first prayer..."FUCK YOU GOD...YOU DON'T EXIST! If you do...PROVE IT!" Took 3 years and several trips to jail and being strung out on drugs, but he WILL answer you. Take my word for it though, try a more subtle prayer...because he's going to meet you when you'll listen and for me that meant, like John James, being broken. ...was blind, but now I see (it's all about faith Dawn, you have yours and we have ours....but it's all about faith)
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