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Article Title: The Spirit Of Rock And Soul
Author of reported comment: Andy Wood
Comment Date: 16:00 on Feb 10 2010
Comment: Nice of Sharon to suggest that Reynard should come "creaking out of retirement". I'm one of the five members of the band (I played tin whistle, gob iron and bongoes and did vocals). The other guys were Mal Eden (lead & acoustic guitar, vocals), Dave Rycroft (acoustic guitar, mandolin, vocals), Rob Jones (bass guitar, recorders and vocals). Rob left to work for YFC Nederland in Driebergen in January 1978 and was replaced by Paul Pierce. The band made a second album "Green Anthem" in 1979, also on the Grapevine label (GRV 132). Our last gig was for YFC in Sutton Coldfield on 3rd May 1980. After Reynard split up, Mal moved to Coventry and lectured at a college of FE. He's retired now and, sadly, not very well, as a result of having contracted polio when he was young. Great singer and songwriter. Dave Rycroft still plucks guitar strings solo,. Paul Pierce makes money and Rob Jones owns a recording studio in Liverpool. Together with Keith Rycroft (ex-Parchment) and Dave Leach (brilliant ragtime guitarist) I was a member of a band called Common Ground. I have fond memories of gigging with Reynard all over this country and in Holland where we played at the Kamperland Music Festival (we also played at Greenbelt on the same bill as the Bill Mason Band, who were friends of ours from Liverpool and were brilliant (Bill lives in the USA now). Speaking personally, I found that mainstream Christianity ran out of road for me about twenty years ago, and I've been a member of Chester Quaker Meeting ever since. I think what I like best about the Quaker way is that doubt is not regarded as sinful. Andy Woood
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