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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: Dnonymous
Comment Date: 16:24 on Dec 22 2009
Comment: I begin writing not knowing much what to write. I stay away from People magazine because hi profile problems don't really fascinate me. This issue however made me stop and respond. I have known Tye personally in a few arenas. He is a big name now but wasn't always. What I have seen in the years I have known him personally and in the publice eye is that he is real. He is flawed and has never denied being flawed. I didn't read most of the comments above because it is just another sad field day of persecution. The last comment above actually echoed my own thoughts. The people in the worl should not be our idols nor be percevied as perfect. Christ alone was perfect. Myself I cheated on my wife some years ago, and continued cheating because of shame, and an inability to confess my sins. This lead to what will soon be my divorce. My prayer is that Tye and Shante "look up" and perhaps redeem the vow that they took before God. Infidelity iand fornication have been high in the church for some time. But so has divorce.
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