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Article Title: Staring Depression In The Face
Author of reported comment: Ian Pilkington
Comment Date: 14:20 on Dec 15 2009
Comment: Hi Julie I know from my own experience there's nothing I can say in answer to what you've written that will make much difference to you, but there is hope in your hopeless vision of life. Remember it's your perspective that's distorted, not reality, and God can break through for you. In answer to how did I manage 6 children in depression, well I have this amazing wife and two or three deeply spiritual and practical friends whom I trust and one couple in particular who have Godly authority in my life and to whom I submit when my own irrational thinking is in need of correcting. It's easier to write that than it has been to do it, sometimes. Julie, I'm praying for a real revelation of the Father's love to you in Christ Jesus. He really is the answer to our deepest pain and emptiness, he really does want to go there with you and hear absolutely anything you have to say. He knows you through and through and he THOROUGHLY accepts you. Just because he already knows your heart, don't think he doesn't need to hear you - he does, and more importantly YOU need to voice your heart to him. When you get to a place where the pain has subsided a little, try to just draw aside and begin a tentative conversation with Jesus on this stuff. God bless you Julie, never give up.
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