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Article Title: Above The Clouds
Author of reported comment: Daan
Comment Date: 22:46 on Dec 10 2009
Comment: Yeah, this is a great cd. The reviewer must have had a really bad day and have been in some kinda mood before he sat down and listened to it. The whole album is full of polished easy listening pop-type songs, with inspired lyrics!!! It's a shame Lawson has remained so undiscovered over the past two decades, which has meant that he has only been able to produce 3 albums. Unfortunately that's the way the music business is for most artists - it's a very fickle industry and you need a bit of luck to make a big break. I've heard the first album on tape - It's a great one. This one is his second one, and is even better, and I've just bought his last one "Masterpiece" and it's in the post as we speak. Very excited about it.
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