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Article Title: Come And Worship
Author of reported comment: Albert
Comment Date: 04:33 on Nov 19 2009
Comment: Has anyone found a copy of this album??? I have searched for this since I was 12 or 13 years old, a wonderful family living two houses down kind of took me and my siblings in and we went to church with them about three times a week. I was raised by my parents in the church, but I didnt really know what it meant to be a child of God until that age. This album was the soundrack to what I could only deem as the happiest part of my childhood. I would put that tape in my walkman at night and sleep listening to it on replay. I was about to give up when I finally found out who sang it, and then I found this site, and now I am just discouraged all over again. I must have this album, I wont give up, but I fear I will never get my hands on a copy or hear the sweet voices that soothed me through my nights. If anyone can possibly help me please let me know.
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