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Article Title: Christian Trance
Author of reported comment: HouseOfPrayer
Comment Date: 01:41 on Sep 13 2009
Comment: I agree with those of you who are cautious of secular dance music. In response to RUKIDDINGME: no, we are not kidding you. Take even a cursory glance at the Bible and you will find that music is a powerful medium for good and bad, and that there is NO GRAY. It's black or white. It's either produced by the Spirit of God, or produced by flesh and demonic spirits. There is no middle ground. Just look at clubs when an unsaved DJ plays. The crowd is worshipping someone, and it ain't God. Look at the last Woodstock and how the music affected the people so tangibly. Even a child can see music affects mood and thoughts, so I suggest you be careful yourself on what you allow in. As far as Christian Dance Music of Quality... I suggest everyone pray and fast and ask God to break in to the music industry and raise up DJs and producers of superior caliber. Ask and you will receive!
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